Sunday, December 16, 2007

bad nights...

We had a bad night last night.....
My mom woke me early this morning, with a big hug and waited till i was fully awake...then she told me that we had a bad night last night...Gramma had past away....
The Doctor let her go home around supper time yesterday because she was feeling better, her heart had stopped racing and she was in for a almost full recovery if she took it easy...So she went home and spent the night with my grampa and her daughter, for some reason she decided to phone all her kids, my uncle Bill in Calgary, uncle Bob here in cold lake and my daddy. She had a good long chat with all of them...My daddy says that God somehow lets you know subconsciously that your going home soon so that you can let those that are closest to you know that you really do love them....
My whole family made their way here today, it was weird how we all sat in my grandparents living room....i made some puppy chow, my aunt Lynn made egg salad. It was like we expected her to walk into the room at any moment and we would have to tell her to get out of the kitchen and go visit....
Amazingly my grampa never shed a tear while the rest of us had fresh outbursts every time someone new came in the door. Yes i cried a lot today, but it hasn't fully hit yet, i keep thinking...hoping that its all just a bad dream, and my gramma really will be home for Christmas...telling me to pin my hair up...telling people off (jokingly ) for spending too much on her...handing out hugs as well as Christmas goodies left and right....
Please pray for the hetherington's...I have been asked to sing at the funeral if I'm up to it... we will see what happens....

1 comment:

drakefarmer said...

remember... you all are in our thoughts...