Thursday, October 25, 2007


I love how on the computer, you can just go back and delete what you just wrote a few moments ago and start fresh on a new page. I wish we could do that in real life... the moment you say something rude or ignorant or stupid or hurtful you can say "Oops just wait let me rewrite that last thing!" and no one would ever know you had said it!
I wish when you did something stupid or hurtful you could go back to that exact scene, click on the eraser button on paint and start scribbling it out of your memory! And then, NO ONE ELSE WOULD REMEMBER EITHER!
I know you can do this with God, He can completely erase your mistakes, your sins, and He will forgive you and say that its in the past and its all fixed between you and me! But then what if you cant forgive yourself? And even IF you secede in that what if your friends wont forgive you? hhm? what happens when a year later they are still talking about you behind your back, but around people they know will tell you they said it! What if that person you want desperately to be friends with once again? And they refuse to be because they hate you still A FULL FREAKING YEAR LATER for what you did to them?
What if that mistake was partially their fault too? And then you made a promise with them that you would never even do anything close to that for a very very long time? And then a few months later they go and they do that exact thing? and again? again? and AGAIN?!? what if all those agains, they did with different people? the majority being your friends?
How would that make you feel? Used? Betrayed?.... How about abandoned? or completely lost on what to do next?
I'm sorry for being so general, but right now, I'm way to mad and some people to even mention their names.......


Wade Wheeler said...

hey, you cant get hung up on these situations. if someones your friend their going to see through those dumb comments we say. if they get to angry or whatever they're ju st i little stuborn and i understand that youve givin them time but mabye they just need a little more. just remember its not your falt.

Sarah said...

sorry about that i was having a really bad day...well more like week...things with this perswon are somewhat better...