Sunday, December 16, 2007

bad nights...

We had a bad night last night.....
My mom woke me early this morning, with a big hug and waited till i was fully awake...then she told me that we had a bad night last night...Gramma had past away....
The Doctor let her go home around supper time yesterday because she was feeling better, her heart had stopped racing and she was in for a almost full recovery if she took it easy...So she went home and spent the night with my grampa and her daughter, for some reason she decided to phone all her kids, my uncle Bill in Calgary, uncle Bob here in cold lake and my daddy. She had a good long chat with all of them...My daddy says that God somehow lets you know subconsciously that your going home soon so that you can let those that are closest to you know that you really do love them....
My whole family made their way here today, it was weird how we all sat in my grandparents living room....i made some puppy chow, my aunt Lynn made egg salad. It was like we expected her to walk into the room at any moment and we would have to tell her to get out of the kitchen and go visit....
Amazingly my grampa never shed a tear while the rest of us had fresh outbursts every time someone new came in the door. Yes i cried a lot today, but it hasn't fully hit yet, i keep thinking...hoping that its all just a bad dream, and my gramma really will be home for Christmas...telling me to pin my hair up...telling people off (jokingly ) for spending too much on her...handing out hugs as well as Christmas goodies left and right....
Please pray for the hetherington's...I have been asked to sing at the funeral if I'm up to it... we will see what happens....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Coolest thing...

Last night before i got into bed i decided i was going to give this reading the bible thing another try...i have a really hard time not reading the bible like its a boring text book. So i pray and i said I'm sorry God i know you wrote this book but it can be really boring please help me to become more interested in your word. Because i know that i am more interested in it then i will have a closer relationship with You and be in a better position to help my friends....
So then i flipped open to a completely random page...Mark 12:13-17
"Later the leaders sent some Pharisees and
supporters of Herod to trap Jesus into saying
something for which he could be arrested.
"Teacher,"they said,"We know how honest
you are.You are impartial and don't play favorites.
You teach the way of God truthfully
Now tell us- is it right to pay taxes to Ceasar
or not? Should we pay them or shouldn't we?"
Jesus saw right through their hypocrisy and
said,"Why are you trying to trap me? Show
me a Roman coin, and I'll tell you." When
they handed it to him, he asked,"Whose picture
and title are stamped on it?"
"Caesar's" They replied.
"Well then," Jesus said,"give to Ceasar
what belongs to Ceasar, and give to God what
belongs to God.""
I thought that was sooooo funny! Jesus totally burned them! Obviously those coins belong to Ceasar because his face is on them! duh!!
But then later on as i thought about it, i realised that Jesus is also saying the we all belong to God because we are all created in his image, just as the coin is created in the image of ceasar....
As i continued to read into mark 13 a little bit i found that God showed me another verse that answered my prayer, about helping my friends... Mark 13:11
"Just say what God tells you to say at
the time, forit is not you who will
be speaking , but the holly spirit."
This was when Jesus was teaching about him coming again in the future, and how many Christians will be persecuted. I don't know about your bible but halfway through this passage in actually says (Reader pay attention) right in the middle of Jesus's teaching! not even kidding!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Our family need prayer right now! My Gramma is getting really sick, she has an arithmea in her heart so fluid is going into her lungs making it very hard to breath and she is also developing a blood clot. She had some blood test today and the doctor told her afterwords, not in these exact words but basically that she is 82 and is not going to get much better.... i will be spending more and more time at their place because they don't live very far away from the school. I just pray that my gramma can take it easy and that she wont try and do to much, which i know she will. I also pray that God can take away her suffering in one way or another.
The End of November is when my great gramma died (my grammas mother) so even without being sick, this is always a hard time for her and for the rest of the Harringtons...
I appreciate the prayer more than anything!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

blonde moment number 36 024 562

Oh wow....

Sarah- Oh no! I forgot my pompoms to flag people down to come buy our cookies!
Mom-That's ok we have balloons instead.
Sarah- The Inflatable kind?

I swear i meant helium....honestly....

blonde moment number 36 024 561

OK this one is just sad...
We just recently bought a new Jeep liberty, its pretty cool and has a lot of buttons (he he). Well one day me and my mom were driving around when all of a sudden the song changed, but no one had touched the stereo, I was like mom the song just changed on its own. But she said it was just me and that i was loosing my mind. So i left it at that.
Over the course of a few weeks, every once and a while the song would change or the volume would go up or down, but it seemed that i was the only one who would hear it. I usually kept my mouth shut thinking that i might really be loosing my mind, but when i did say something, my mom or dad would just look at me like i was on crack.
One day Naomi, Jen , and i were in the back seat and my parents were in the front, when all of a sudden the song changed, i was like "did you see that? the song just changed" and for the first time my dad was like yeah it did. Then it did it again and again! I was like finally i know I'm not crazy! Suddenly everyone burst out laughing, and my daddy explained to me that there were buttons on the back of the steering Wheel! Man did i feel stupid.
The worst part is is that my mom had tried that on Jen and Naomi as well but they both asked right away if there were buttons on the steering wheel..... wow ain't i just the smart one.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I love how on the computer, you can just go back and delete what you just wrote a few moments ago and start fresh on a new page. I wish we could do that in real life... the moment you say something rude or ignorant or stupid or hurtful you can say "Oops just wait let me rewrite that last thing!" and no one would ever know you had said it!
I wish when you did something stupid or hurtful you could go back to that exact scene, click on the eraser button on paint and start scribbling it out of your memory! And then, NO ONE ELSE WOULD REMEMBER EITHER!
I know you can do this with God, He can completely erase your mistakes, your sins, and He will forgive you and say that its in the past and its all fixed between you and me! But then what if you cant forgive yourself? And even IF you secede in that what if your friends wont forgive you? hhm? what happens when a year later they are still talking about you behind your back, but around people they know will tell you they said it! What if that person you want desperately to be friends with once again? And they refuse to be because they hate you still A FULL FREAKING YEAR LATER for what you did to them?
What if that mistake was partially their fault too? And then you made a promise with them that you would never even do anything close to that for a very very long time? And then a few months later they go and they do that exact thing? and again? again? and AGAIN?!? what if all those agains, they did with different people? the majority being your friends?
How would that make you feel? Used? Betrayed?.... How about abandoned? or completely lost on what to do next?
I'm sorry for being so general, but right now, I'm way to mad and some people to even mention their names.......

Monday, October 22, 2007

So I have finaly broken down and decided to give the blogging thing a try. So far I am not exactly sure what you are supposed to write in a blog but lets give it a try....
Right now my life is pretty normal (well for me anyway :P) School is pretty much one of my highest prioritys so homework is taking up alot of my time. Once again this year I am continuing with girl guides, I am finaly old enough to be a Senior Branch (its the last step besides leaders lol) Hmmm.. I am still working at hamels catering (why???) in order to save up for my vacation to Finnland next summer. youth groop is also one of my top prioritys and I look foreward to going everyweek because not only is it a great time to spend with my friends but also to learn a lil more about God.
Well, lets hope i can keep this up to date ttyl <3
Sarak xxoo